This summer, under the sea -- and out of the view of the American public -- the Navy will unleash a dangerous two-year onslaught of deadly sonar in sensitive whale habitat off Southern California's coast. We've got to stop it. And with your support, we will. Click to donate.
NRDC is racing to court to block the Navy's next sonic assault unless and until it agrees to take steps that will prevent whales from being needlessly killed. The Navy's mid-frequency sonar, which will be blasted during 14 naval training exercises, is so intense that it drives whales to panic and causes their organs to hemorrhage. Whales around the world have stranded themselves on beaches -- their ears and brains leaking blood -- following their encounters with high-powered sonar.
The Navy's next onslaught will take place in and around California's Channel Islands -- home to dozens of species of whales and dolphins, including the endangered blue whale -- the world's largest mammal. This onslaught is a flagrant violation of our nation's environmental laws! But we can't hold the Navy accountable to those laws without your support.
Please help NRDC go to federal court in the next 30 days and block the coming sonic barrage by making a tax-deductible donation right now.We will demand that the Navy take simple, common-sense measures to protect defenseless marine mammals -- measures that will not in any way jeopardize America's military readiness.
Thanks to your past support, we've won major courtroom victories against the Navy's sonar systems before. But we can't take on the Pentagon again -- the biggest and most powerful government agency on the planet -- without your help.It is urgent that we raise new funds to fight this case. That is why I am rushing you this alert. I know that you care deeply about whales and would want to join us in coming to their defense.Click here to make a tax-deductible contribution and help stop the next deadly sonar bombardment before it starts this summer ~ Sincerely, Frances Beinecke - President of NRDC
(Other coastal states are watching this case closely to see if the Navy can get away with flouting our nation's laws. So when you TAKE ACTION! and help NRDC win this case, you'll be helping protect whales along all of America's coastlines)
NRDC is racing to court to block the Navy's next sonic assault unless and until it agrees to take steps that will prevent whales from being needlessly killed. The Navy's mid-frequency sonar, which will be blasted during 14 naval training exercises, is so intense that it drives whales to panic and causes their organs to hemorrhage. Whales around the world have stranded themselves on beaches -- their ears and brains leaking blood -- following their encounters with high-powered sonar.
The Navy's next onslaught will take place in and around California's Channel Islands -- home to dozens of species of whales and dolphins, including the endangered blue whale -- the world's largest mammal. This onslaught is a flagrant violation of our nation's environmental laws! But we can't hold the Navy accountable to those laws without your support.
Please help NRDC go to federal court in the next 30 days and block the coming sonic barrage by making a tax-deductible donation right now.We will demand that the Navy take simple, common-sense measures to protect defenseless marine mammals -- measures that will not in any way jeopardize America's military readiness.
Thanks to your past support, we've won major courtroom victories against the Navy's sonar systems before. But we can't take on the Pentagon again -- the biggest and most powerful government agency on the planet -- without your help.It is urgent that we raise new funds to fight this case. That is why I am rushing you this alert. I know that you care deeply about whales and would want to join us in coming to their defense.Click here to make a tax-deductible contribution and help stop the next deadly sonar bombardment before it starts this summer ~ Sincerely, Frances Beinecke - President of NRDC
(Other coastal states are watching this case closely to see if the Navy can get away with flouting our nation's laws. So when you TAKE ACTION! and help NRDC win this case, you'll be helping protect whales along all of America's coastlines)